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brain therapy
This advanced-level therapy explores the brain, spinal cord and related pathologies such as closed-head injuries, whiplash, headaches, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, cognitive behavioral dysfunctions, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
The techniques focus on releasing brain-centered restrictions as well as the damaging effects that these restrictions cause. These methods use a slightly different paradigm by working extensively with the brain parenchyma, grey and white matter, cranial and spinal nerves and vascular structures rather than mainly on cranial bones and membranes as might be found in cranio-sacral therapy.
The body often aligns itself around these precise structures and they are frequently unaddressed, key/primary tissue restrictions.This work requires perceptual skills to address tissue microstructures, which can be some of the most important and yet least often addressed component of somatic dysfunctions.
For that reason, Brain Therapy can probably help almost anyone, but it will specifically help any brain and spinal related pathologies including those listed above as well as conditions like post-meningitis syndrome, dementia, post-polio syndromes, birth difficulties or trauma, feeding difficulties, etc.
Brain therapy is a highly advanced and highly in-depth set of skills that takes us into a deeper appreciation of the function of the body in relation to specific neurological structures or structures and fluids associated with the neurological system, including:
- The brain (cerebrum) itself
- The spinal cord
- The spinal column
- The white matter
- The grey matter
- Brain nuclei
- Cranial nerves
- The brain stem
- The limbic system
- The cerebellum
- The connecting pathways of the brain
- The Reticular Alarm System
- The ventricles and fluid flow throughout the brain
- Special sensory systems to do with sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch
- The membranous system around and within the brain
- The vestibular system (balance and equilibrium systems)
- The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
- The heart
- Dental elements
As in the body, the brain can align itself around key restrictions/precise structures if they become dysfunctional. They are very frequently unaddressed.
These techniques used can help most types of pathology, but specifically:
- Closed head injuries
- Whiplash
- Headaches
- Dyslexia
- CP
- Cognitive dysfunction
- Behavioural dysfunction
- Emotional conditions
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Birth difficulties
- Eye problems
- Lyme’s disease
- Hydrocephalus
- Autism
- Asperger’s
- Speech issues
Most treatment techniques are very light and involve working with perceptual and manual skills to connect with the microstructures of the brain.
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