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Functional Blood analysis
Blood tests can offer a sweeping collection of biomarkers that may represent a direct indication of your health, as ‘read between the lines’ indicators, or as a smokescreen.
Rather than diagnosing a problem based on whether the biomarker is specifically inside or outside of the reference ranges, a functional blood analysis can give you a more clear-cut view into your health. Reference ranges are not definitive. They are based around the average amounts of a blood marker in a population that extends from an infant male though to a 95 year old female. If you’re a 35 year old with a health issue, these ranges will not apply to you.
These reference ranges are defined by taking an average score amongst the general population for a given biomarker and going two standard deviations above and below that mean to attain your upper and lower limits. The problem here, is that we are assuming the general population is normal in the first place. This is far from the truth. It is fine, however, if you want to be compared to some tired, stressed and overweight people.
Another issue arises whereby certain biomarkers are different for different countries. A case in point is your Vitamin D level. Strangely, the amount of Vitamin D in your blood to prevent health issues in Australia is a lot lower than the required amount in the United States, generally speaking.
Even within Australia, your Vitamin D levels may or may not be normal according to which lab you get tested at. The reference ranges can be markedly different.
What constitutes a healthy level for a biomarker cannot be viewed in isolation without comparing it to other markers that relate to it in some way. Often, a functional blood analysis is about interpreting patterns of information. You can’t look at blood markers in isolation, even if they appear normal. Nothing in the body works alone.
Hidden between where you fall within the reference range and what is optimal for that biomarker gives lots of clues as to your unique health, diet, lifestyle, supplement, medication and metabolic needs. You are a walking, talking metabolic fingerprint and your individual requirements are unique to you.
Measuring these values for their optimal levels and evaluating patterns, inclinations and relationships and developing treatment plans that reinforce or discourage these tendencies should be part of your best possible health care.
Even though you may be healthy in some regards, these biomarkers can also give you clues as to what conditions you are at risk for and the actionable steps you can take to prevent this.
A Functional Blood Analysis is aimed at improving your health outcome rather than just preventing a disease.
It may ultimately reduce your costs as underlying problems can be identified without having to do further testing. It may be that previous blood tests provide enough information to identify and report on patterns or it may be that bloods need to be obtained. Regardless, a Functional Blood Analysis narrows down possible causes of disease or illness without the need for superfluous testing.
Specifically, a Functional Blood Analysis can provide you with patterns moving towards:
- Insulin resistance and blood sugar dysregulation
- Thyroid disturbances
- Adrenal Issues
- Cardiovascular health
- Liver dysfunction
- Kidney dysfunction
- Gallbladder dysfunction
- Acid-Base imbalances
- Electrolyte and mineral imbalances
- Vitamin deficiencies
- Allergies
- Heavy Metal toxicity
- Detoxification issues
- Methylation issues
- Immune stress
- Oxidative stress
- Anaemia
- Hormonal irregularities
- Many more ...
Blood biomarkers are one of the building blocks of integrative health. They provide a peak into your body’s complex functions and when viewed through the lens of a Functional Blood Analysis, will allow you to make sense of your comprehensive health roadmap. It also allows you to track changes over time, which is not only helpful and concise, but motivational.
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