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bike fit assessment
Anyone who cycles would benefit from a bike fit assessment. No matter what your skill level, comfort or performance should be a major factor.
Those cyclists who are performance orientated and spend many hours in the saddle know the benefit a few degrees or millimetres can add to times, wins or bragging rights.
Those who tour better be pain free and clear of chafe marks a few days into a lengthy sojourn!
Some of us are prone to ageing and changes in flexibility and joint freedom don't allow for the same set up we had for all those years.
Some of us just ride to work but want to do so without busting out the ibuprofen or deal with a niggling knee problem …
Maybe traffic, or wet roads or gravity conspired to bring you down and injuries have caused you to adapt your position on the bike?
Perhaps you cycle across disciplines and you realise your mountain bike set up won't cut it on your road bike? Or your time trial bike? Or your track bike?
Maybe you've a shiny, new piece of equipment like aerobars that you need to adjust to? Just because a certain handlebar set up or frame dimensions work for you, it doesn't mean they're right when you start accessorising!
Or maybe you are buying a new bike! It's better to buy one with the right specs in the first place. It will save you trouble down the road. This is a big factor. The number of cyclists that saddle up over the wrong size frame or dimensions is far, far too large.
Besides the reasons already mentioned, common instances that may require an assessment include:
- Knee / hip / back / shoulder / neck / wrist pain (amongst others!)
- Getting pins and needles in your hands?
- Developing crotch (perineal) soreness? Genital and urinary dysfunction?
- Developing foot soreness or ‘hot spots’?
- Feeling uncomfortable on the bike? Immediately? After a couple of hours?
- Lacking balance whilst riding or turning?
- Sliding around on your saddle (forward/backward, side to side)?
- Not being able to alternate hand position on the bars properly or without discomfort?
- Not being able to reach the brakes from the drops?
- Finding it hard to spin easily or at pace? Can’t get enough power?
- In depth, physical assessment relevant to cycling.
- Biomechanical analysis of your movement patterns on and off the bike.
- Video analysis on the bike.
- Assisting with positional and set-up changes.
- Making recommendations for any equipment changes.
- Home programs designed to improve your comfort and position on the bike.
- Injury assessment and treatment.
- Our service is first class.
- Our knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and injury is first class.
- Our ability to link this in with cycling and bike set-up for comfortable, injury free, recreational or performance orientated riding is guaranteed to provide you with a sought after cycling experience.
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