Ever since medical information, and in particular alternate health information overtook porn as the reason most people surfed the net, search terms like “alternative treatment for (a particular disease)” have become the most popular and led to the meteoric rise of the world’s most popular doctor - Dr Google.
To undertake an internet search today for topics related to “alternative” medicine and natural health is a completely different experience to the one you would’ve had a decade ago: in fact, just three years ago.
How do I know this?
I know this because search results that I accessed in times past are no longer available or show up.
I know this because today, it takes me two to ten times longer to research and write a technical article if I base my efforts on mainstream internet resources.
I know this because entering highly specific combinations of medical search terms can often initially produce several pages of government and industry funded responses.
I know this because the results I receive are directly contrary to clinical experience and 33 years of learnings I know to be true.
I know this because the first page; five pages; ten pages of results all push the exact same narrative, as if in the known history of the world, there was one and only one, opinion on the subject.
I know this because of the kinds of conversations I have with you in the practice and the kinds of questions you ask.
This did not occur in times past, and are just some of the more obvious reasons why the health search experience is different.
My next question then is: do you know this?
I say this, because I expect a lot of you. I also expect a lot for you.
I have a mentor who always begins a course with the following phrase by Eckhart Tolle: “The teacher and the taught, together create the learning.” Over the years, I have learnt as much from you as you have possibly learnt from me. It is my expectation, or at least my hope, that everyone who comes to see me takes ownership of their health. Without taking on this responsibility, I can assure you, people do not improve as quickly, or at all. It follows then, that you need to be informed and informed correctly, wisely.
Although censorship of medical information has been on a slow but deliberate drip for many years, this all began to change with speed in the several months leading up to the onset of the pandemic when Google began to change their search algorithms - the formulas that determine where certain information ranks in the results - to target “medical and health information that could impact your physical wellbeing.”
Swiftly, medical information other than the mainstream narrative disappeared or was relegated to pages where only the most resolute and tenacious dared to tread. Sometimes, these were sites that had ranked number one for an age.
Now, I have never accepted the theory that I should subscribe to an opinion because it is the most popular. In fact, it can be a good reason NOT to subscribe to it. However, in the space of a few short years, we have seen over three decades of work and research done by some very conscientious and credentialed health professionals scrubbed away.
I am one of these obsidious people who will ignore hearsay and chase information back to its source. I have the wherewithal and training to know where to search and how to search to uncover original and untainted information. I am lucky that I have the time. But, I can fully appreciate that not everyone is so inclined. Unfortunately, this is what those who determine what information you have access to, are counting on. It is one of the main ways we are swindled into accepting the prevailing account as truth.
It is not the point of this article to outline how and why this information has been denied us, for the truth of it agitates my very cells and to follow its line of enquiry would have your friends asking where you’ve been for the last three months. Google it. Oh, wait, ….
If i was to perform a Google search for something like “alternatives to antibiotics” I would get a very different list of results compared to substituting with another search platform.
There is an argument pushed by mainstream bodies that, if complementary options were so beneficial then they would be consolidated within the healthcare structure. This argument supposes that pharmacologically funded research has no self-interest and that administrative divisions and for-profit medical agencies are unimpaired. It assumes those in charge are ethical caretakers and that professionals and modalities left on the periphery are there because they have less quality and worth. Unfortunately, the same machinations that eschew whatever doesn’t bow to entitlement and profit exist in the health arena, too.
It’s taken me a while to get to, but the impetus for this article is that recently, YouTube redefined its guidelines for what they call “medical misinformation.” Any information that contradicts the WHO narrative (who YouTube states as the world authority on health) will be removed. Even if you have 30 years of content on there, you’ll go. Something as simple as the use of Vitamin D to support the immune system is contra to their beliefs and constitutes removal. This is an authority that was at times, an embarrassment during the pandemic and who’s advice was well short of the mark given current perspectives.
Ultimately, there are a few points to make.
Firstly, when I set out to create Paragon Health I aimed for it to a comprehensive health resource that aligned with the values of authenticity and excellence. I have tried to be an advocate for your health and so it would be remiss of me not to highlight the immediate and ongoing threat to your wellness, lifestyle and freedom. This last point, freedom, may seem unrelated at first glance but it is inherent to your wellbeing. Your very cells work with this principle and as without, so within.
Nextly, realise that the health information you are receiving via google is a self-serving, limited and tainted resource. Consider using a different search engine for your information. The world is becoming increasing complex and the time and know-how it takes to research balanced health information is increasing with it. If you have concerns, reach out to Paragon Health. It is worth starting a discussion and I am happy to facilitate.
Lastly, the depth and complexity of this situation is not understood by most. There needs to be a platform for free exchange, debate of ideas and communication in health, let alone all corners: it is at the very fabric of a balanced society and culture. Unless we act differently, it will continue to happen. Freedom is something that dies unless it is used.
There is an attempt to ban your rights to use natural healing principles and to deny you the freedom to make informed choices. Consider these points next time you make your search.
Be well.
To undertake an internet search today for topics related to “alternative” medicine and natural health is a completely different experience to the one you would’ve had a decade ago: in fact, just three years ago.
How do I know this?
I know this because search results that I accessed in times past are no longer available or show up.
I know this because today, it takes me two to ten times longer to research and write a technical article if I base my efforts on mainstream internet resources.
I know this because entering highly specific combinations of medical search terms can often initially produce several pages of government and industry funded responses.
I know this because the results I receive are directly contrary to clinical experience and 33 years of learnings I know to be true.
I know this because the first page; five pages; ten pages of results all push the exact same narrative, as if in the known history of the world, there was one and only one, opinion on the subject.
I know this because of the kinds of conversations I have with you in the practice and the kinds of questions you ask.
This did not occur in times past, and are just some of the more obvious reasons why the health search experience is different.
My next question then is: do you know this?
I say this, because I expect a lot of you. I also expect a lot for you.
I have a mentor who always begins a course with the following phrase by Eckhart Tolle: “The teacher and the taught, together create the learning.” Over the years, I have learnt as much from you as you have possibly learnt from me. It is my expectation, or at least my hope, that everyone who comes to see me takes ownership of their health. Without taking on this responsibility, I can assure you, people do not improve as quickly, or at all. It follows then, that you need to be informed and informed correctly, wisely.
Although censorship of medical information has been on a slow but deliberate drip for many years, this all began to change with speed in the several months leading up to the onset of the pandemic when Google began to change their search algorithms - the formulas that determine where certain information ranks in the results - to target “medical and health information that could impact your physical wellbeing.”
Swiftly, medical information other than the mainstream narrative disappeared or was relegated to pages where only the most resolute and tenacious dared to tread. Sometimes, these were sites that had ranked number one for an age.
Now, I have never accepted the theory that I should subscribe to an opinion because it is the most popular. In fact, it can be a good reason NOT to subscribe to it. However, in the space of a few short years, we have seen over three decades of work and research done by some very conscientious and credentialed health professionals scrubbed away.
I am one of these obsidious people who will ignore hearsay and chase information back to its source. I have the wherewithal and training to know where to search and how to search to uncover original and untainted information. I am lucky that I have the time. But, I can fully appreciate that not everyone is so inclined. Unfortunately, this is what those who determine what information you have access to, are counting on. It is one of the main ways we are swindled into accepting the prevailing account as truth.
It is not the point of this article to outline how and why this information has been denied us, for the truth of it agitates my very cells and to follow its line of enquiry would have your friends asking where you’ve been for the last three months. Google it. Oh, wait, ….
If i was to perform a Google search for something like “alternatives to antibiotics” I would get a very different list of results compared to substituting with another search platform.
There is an argument pushed by mainstream bodies that, if complementary options were so beneficial then they would be consolidated within the healthcare structure. This argument supposes that pharmacologically funded research has no self-interest and that administrative divisions and for-profit medical agencies are unimpaired. It assumes those in charge are ethical caretakers and that professionals and modalities left on the periphery are there because they have less quality and worth. Unfortunately, the same machinations that eschew whatever doesn’t bow to entitlement and profit exist in the health arena, too.
It’s taken me a while to get to, but the impetus for this article is that recently, YouTube redefined its guidelines for what they call “medical misinformation.” Any information that contradicts the WHO narrative (who YouTube states as the world authority on health) will be removed. Even if you have 30 years of content on there, you’ll go. Something as simple as the use of Vitamin D to support the immune system is contra to their beliefs and constitutes removal. This is an authority that was at times, an embarrassment during the pandemic and who’s advice was well short of the mark given current perspectives.
Ultimately, there are a few points to make.
Firstly, when I set out to create Paragon Health I aimed for it to a comprehensive health resource that aligned with the values of authenticity and excellence. I have tried to be an advocate for your health and so it would be remiss of me not to highlight the immediate and ongoing threat to your wellness, lifestyle and freedom. This last point, freedom, may seem unrelated at first glance but it is inherent to your wellbeing. Your very cells work with this principle and as without, so within.
Nextly, realise that the health information you are receiving via google is a self-serving, limited and tainted resource. Consider using a different search engine for your information. The world is becoming increasing complex and the time and know-how it takes to research balanced health information is increasing with it. If you have concerns, reach out to Paragon Health. It is worth starting a discussion and I am happy to facilitate.
Lastly, the depth and complexity of this situation is not understood by most. There needs to be a platform for free exchange, debate of ideas and communication in health, let alone all corners: it is at the very fabric of a balanced society and culture. Unless we act differently, it will continue to happen. Freedom is something that dies unless it is used.
There is an attempt to ban your rights to use natural healing principles and to deny you the freedom to make informed choices. Consider these points next time you make your search.
Be well.
If you have any health related concerns that you struggle to find a balanced view on, reach out to Paragon Health via the contact page. If they are relevant to a public discussion, they may serve as topics for future posts?